Saturday, May 31, 2008

The rest of May

Happy Mother's Day!

Carter's Birthday fell on a day when he was in school (MDO), so we brought Pizza & Cupcakes for the class. Carter finished up MDO around the Middle of May. He'll start back there in August.

Then we let him pick where we went for his birthday dinner...guess where he wanted to go? Yeap, you guessed it...MCDONALD's!! Happy Birthday to my dear son, Carter!!

Here's his birthday present from us...a WII!!!! (The new TV was mom and dad's present to ourselves.)

Aunt Kathy took Carter and Christian bowling for a School's Out Celebration...

He loves to pose silly for me ALOT!!

Happy SWEET 16TH BIRTHDAY to my niece, KAYLEE!! Watch out all you drivers out there!!

She had a family party for us and then had her friends party...where she took all her guest in a Stretch Hummer Limo downtown to eat. ALL DRESSED UP and READY TO GO...

We signed Carter (& Kathy signed up Christian) up to go to Goat Camp at a local High School...this was right up his alley. He had so much fun and talks about it all the time.

May Birthdays:
Happy Birthday David
Happy Birthday Carter
Happy Birthday Kaylee
Happy Birthday Kathy

Well, okay, I think that's all for May.
We are ready for the SUMMER!!!

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