Monday, March 31, 2008

More March Pictures

You are in for a real treat...LOTS and LOTS of PICTURES!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!
Carter and I went to Ella's 4th Birthday party on Monday, March 10th. It was a Cowgirl Party!! Carter loves riding horses as did all the children at the party!!
Does he look like a natural born rider or what?!?!?!?!
Carter and Ella
Carter and Evan

Bethany and her baby (she was born on Friday, March 7th; picture taken Tuesday, March 11th)

Congrats to my Niece Kaylee for being inducted into the Beta Club on March 13th, which used to be the National Honor Society when I was in school. And the neat thing is, is the book she signed her name in is the same book her mom, Uncle Larry, Aunt Kathy, and my name are cool is that.
My niece Madison (on the right) was inducted into National Junior Honor Society a few months ago (sorry, no pics).
WAY TO GO MADISON AND KAYLEE!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Sunday, March 16th we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at my sister's church, Raleigh Assembly of God. Our friends Ruby and Scott also were there. And boy was this the BEST EASTER EGG HUNT ever.....LOTS and LOTS of EGGS!!!!! So many that Carter actually walked out and said I'm done and there were still many more eggs he could've gotten, but he grabbed him about 10 or so and was done. I was so proud of him!!! His age group was 1-3, but believe me they were plenty out there. Most of the time as soon as one starts it's way man, this one was still going 10 minutes later, NO JOKE...that's how sweet it was!!!!!! We also got treated to a drink, hotdog, and chips. And there were jumpers for the kids to do afterwards. It was a great day!! Check it out for yourself.

Carter's Mother's Day Out Easter Party was on Thursday, March 20th. Mrs. Pat, the director, dressed up in the Easter suit. The kids all had a great time finding the eggs and chowed down on the food b/c they worked up an appetite while hunting.

OK, I think that takes care of March!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun events and great pictures to prove it. :)