Wednesday, April 30, 2008


On Saturday, April 19th we went to our Sunday School Social at Nagasaki Inn (Japanese Restaurant) and had a great evening and a good turnout (around 16 ppl).
Carter had Rodeo Roundup/Western week at school the last full week of April.

(Picture taken 4/22/08.)
This was so up his alley.
On Sunday, April 27th, we enjoyed going to the YMCA with some friends to swim...yep, he's still a little fish...

He found these googles and snorkles he got for his birthday last year and just had to wear them!! :-)

No, he didn't get me with the water gun thank goodness.
Forgot to mention in my March post that Carter had several birthday parties to go to in March...Ella, Jeremiah, Seth, and Lucas. Unfortunately, we missed the twins Maddy and Abby's party in April. We hope you all had a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!!!

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